So, between derby and work, the only free time that Ive had has been devoted to sleeping and showering. But I'll update some things that I have tried lately. The blanco pan on the left is my failed attempt at marshmallows. Turns out it's a thousand and three times easier if you have a stand up mixer. Well, more necessary. They never quite set, but man were they yummy. They were also very fun to play with and difficult to cut or manage. The obvious brownies on the right are ammmaaaazzzing. They're from the Baked cookbook. Sadly, I'm not a huge fan of chocolate, but even I find myself craving one ocassionally. Moist and fudgy brownies. Nom Nom.
And to top off my dump pictures in a plcae post... Megan and I made home made tortilla chips. It was so much fun! Plus salsa tastes so very nummy on dinosaur and unicorn tortilla chips.
Right now, there are candied citrus peels drying in my oven. Grapefruit, lemon and oranges. I'm pretty excited to roll the little suckers in sugar. 14eleven studio is having a(nother) Grand opening. So Thursday and Friday day, I'm going to go into full time baking mode and finish up sewing projects so they can have a whole lot of things to sell and give away. Also, Harvest of Hope music festival is this weekend, so at some point I have to pack for the weekend. Josh and I are going to see Lucero in Ybor Friday night after the gallery opening. We're going to come home, sleep for a couple of hours and wake up super early to leave for the festival in St. Augustine( about a five hours drive) stay the night Saturday and leave Sunday about midnight. Poor Josh has to be at work Monday morning at six. Looking at who's playing, it should all be worth it. Lucero, Against Me!, Gaslight Anthem, Harlem Shakes to name a few. Alright enough for this update! Till next time.